Winter conditions can be bad for our health, aggravating any existing health problems, making us more vulnerable to respiratory winter illnesses. There are some handy hints in this guide on staying well this winter.…well-this-winter-transcript-of-audio-version/
It’s not just your physical health that can suffer during cold weather, it’s important to think about your mental health too. Lack of sunlight, miserable weather and the cost of living can put a strain on our wellbeing.
Have a look at these tips on practising self-care this winter.
Cold weather
Prolonged cold periods can impact on your health and leave you vulnerable to winter bugs, exacerbating existing conditions. Here is some advice on keeping yourself and your family warm during the winter months.…ves-advice-on-staying-healthy-in-cold-weather
With the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance, you may be feeling extra financial pressure when it comes to keeping warm this winter. Have a look at these cost-effective tips to warm you up during the cold winter months.
Looking after older patients
Many older people are facing a harsh winter, with cost-of-living challenges and cold weather. If you’re in receipt of a means-tested benefit, you can still receive the winter fuel payment. Find out more here:
For older people, particularly those with health or mobility issues, it can be very difficult to get out and about to see people. Loneliness can take its toll on their mental health. No one deserves the sadness of feeling lonely.
Find support here: