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Named GP

All patients at our practice have a named GP to oversee their care.

You may already have been told who your named GP is at some point during the last 12 months. Most patients however have not yet been told and, our aim is that you should know as soon as possible.

Please ask the practice who your named GP is.

What does this mean for you?

You are unlikely to see any notable change in the way care is delivered to you by our practice, just a formalisation of our current process. You can still see your preferred GP even if this is not your named GP.

The responsibilities of your named GP will be to:

  • Take the lead responsibility for ensuring that all appropriate services required by you from the GP practice are provided.
  • Where required, use their professional judgement, to work with relevant health and social care professionals to deliver a care package that meets your needs.
  • Ensure your physical and psychological needs are recognised and responded to by the relevant clinicians in the practice.
  • Ensure you have access to a health check if requested.

These responsibilities will be carried out within the opening hours of the surgery and do not change the way you or other patients currently access care outside of these hours.

Please note that you can still see the doctor of your choice.